How To Introduce Your Mom (or anyone) To Weed

Where Do I Begin?

As marijuana becomes increasingly accepted and legal worldwide, more parents are dipping their toes into the cannabis lifestyle. Maybe your mom wants to try weed recreationally to relieve stress, or medicinally to deal with an ailment.

Or, maybe you just want to see how your mom acts when she gets high for the first time!

All of these reasons are great, but many people get cold feet their first time. It could be difficult to convince someone of its benefits enough to try it. 

Not to worry!

We have created the ultimate 3-step guide to introduce your mom (or anyone) to marijuana safely and enjoyably.

Step 1 – Educate

In order for anyone to comfortably use marijuana, they have to understand the different ways it can be consumed and its potential effects.  For example, if your mom has never experienced marijuana she may be hesitant. There are tons of false and negative stigmas around marijuana use.  

Here are a few commonly asked questions (and answers) newbies have about weed: 

Is This Legal? 

This depends on where you live, laws regarding marijuana vary by each state. Make sure mom knows it is legal in her area so she doesn’t get paranoid. This is a big one for many people since they don’t want any legal trouble.  

Do I Have To Smoke? 

Another common reason people avoid marijuana is that they don’t like smoking. 

Marijuana can be consumed in multiple forms, these include: 

  • Edibles 
  • Drinks/tonics
  • Vaping
  • Smoking
  • Tinctures 
  • Creams

Each form of consumption can be used for a different purpose. For example, a cream might be better to alleviate back pain because it targets an area; while edibles can be better for anxiety because they relax the whole body.

It is all up to the individual as to what they are comfortable doing and why.  

A good way to introduce weed is a low-dose edible. Anywhere between 1-5 mg THC is enough for a newbie. We don’t want to make anyone too high because this can ruin the fun. 

Edibles make for a great first experience because it can be less daunting to eat a gummy than smoke a joint for example. You also know exactly how much the individual is consuming (assuming the edibles are dosed correctly) and the high is less rapid than some other forms of cannabis.   

An important thing with edibles is to not overdo it, eating too much THC can cause very adverse effects. A low dose of 1-5 mg is the best way to introduce someone to marijuana without getting them too intoxicated. 

How Will This Feel? 

This depends on how you are consuming your marijuana. 

Smoking wax from a dab rig can give a super intense (almost disorienting) high, while a low dose edible can give a calming buzz as we described earlier. The point here isn’t to send your mom to yodie land, it’s to introduce marijuana safely and to give a good experience.  

Another factor of marijuana are different strains. Here are 3 strain types and their noted effects: 

  • Sativa – Euphoric, active, brain buzz
  • Indica – Deeply relaxing, body high
  • Hybrid – A mix of Sativa and Indica traits  

Strains are constantly cross-breed and vary in effect. 

And once you feel confident in your knowledge, take your mom shopping!

Many states have recreational dispensaries that offer a wide range of products and knowledgeable staff who can help guide her through the process. 

Taking a trip together to explore this new world could be both an exciting and bonding experience for the two of you.

Growing cannabis is also a fantastic way to bond with your mom if she likes gardening. We actually wrote an article on the best places to buy weed seeds online.

You’d be surprised at how easy it is to grow these days – there are plenty of resources online to get you started. Plus, the feeling of accomplishment when your first harvest comes in will be an experience like no other!

Step 2 – Create A Meaningful Experience 

While the dose of cannabis matters, time and place are also important factors for newbies. 

Taking the time to curate the proper environment for consumption could mean the difference between a terrible experience and a great one. 

Make sure you understand what your mom wants out of trying marijuana. Maybe she feels comfortable trying it with you. She might want to get active or creative while high, or she may just want to relax and watch Netflix. 

Choosing the right environment for the first-time experience is a fantastic and organized way to introduce someone to cannabis.

Step 3 – Monitor The Experience

YAY! You’ve finally gotten your mom to try weed! 

The most important part now is to make sure you are attending to her. This includes asking if she’s feeling okay, if she needs water or if she needs to step outside to get some air.   

If she started to get paranoid, here are a few tips to calm down:  

  • Talking to someone
  • Deep, controlled breathing (meditation works wonders)
  • Plenty of water 
  • Laying down and resting

Be open to any questions or requests. Making the newbie as comfortable as possible is important for a good experience. 

Additional Tips

  • Opt for CBD/THC products, as higher levels of CBD make the experience more calming. 
  • Start low, go slow (with any form of cannabis). 
  • Have plenty of water, snacks, and entertainment. 

Most importantly, respect your mom’s wishes if she doesn’t want anything to do with marijuana!

Not everyone is open when it comes to trying out cannabis so try not to push her too hard or become offended if she declines.

Instead, continue having honest conversations with her about why you enjoy using marijuana and why it could benefit her life as well–you never know what might come of it!

Happy Blazing!

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